Dr. Peter C.K. Lau is Principal Research Officer of the National Research Council of Canada, Montreal, 6100 Royalmount Avenue research facilities (previously known as the Biotechnology Research Institute). Presently, he is in the Bio-derived Products Program of the Aquatic and Crop Resource Development Portfolio of the Life Sciences Division. Dr. Lau’s laboratory (Bioconversion and Sustainable Development Group) and research interests are focused on the discovery, improvement and deployment of enzyme (biocatalyst) technology and associated microbial processes to meet industrial needs and environmental sustainability. Since 1999, Dr. Lau has served as a member of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Task Force on Biotechnology for Sustainable Industrial Development
(http://sustsci.aaas.org/files/lau_asm03.pdf ). He was a theme leader on platform chemicals of the Canadian Triticale Biorefinery Initiative, funded by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada through the Agricultural Bioproducts Innovation Program. Dr. Lau is Adjunct Professor at the Departments of Chemistry, and Microbiology & Immunology of McGill University (https://www.mcgill.ca/microimm/microbiology-and-immunology); and a member of the FQRNT Centre of Green Chemistry and Catalysis. He is in the editorial boards of Applied and Environmental Microbiology and Journal of Microbiological Methods. In 2011, he was awarded a Visiting Professorship for Senior International Scientists of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Dr. Lau holds a Ph.D. in Biochemistry (steroid metabolism) from the University of Ottawa, Ontario.
514-496-6265 (fax)
peter.lau@cnrc-nrc.gc.ca or peter.lau@mcgill.ca